Java programming app for Android

If you ever wished to run a java code in your android, today at Creativity in Air your dream will come true!

Welcome coder's, as we are lifetime learner I personally think there are 2 type's of programmer's
 1. who analyzes the code or method of doing and simply understand's (good analyzer) and
 2. who has eagerness of doing everything practically at that particular time (good explorer)

Personally I belong to 2nd category, I like to try as much I can anytime and anyplace without any restriction. So today we are going to run java in our android device!

 1. Android device,

 2. rt.jar (library file of java, you can download the file from java website or from below link),

 3. Sand IDE for Java Developers apk (this paid app is provided free for youdownload Sand IDE for Java & rt.jar file)


 1. After downloading the required files, install the app and make two folder's in your SD card/phone. One with "Java library" and another with "Java Project".

 2. As the above folder name represent's we are going to store rt.jar fie in "Java library" and our second folder will be used to store our code and project's that we will create.

 3. Once installed the app, open it and move to settings. You will see the "JRE path"  and "Workspace path" as shown below:

 4. Select "JRE path" and navigate towards your rt.jar file located in Java library folder(sdcard/Java library/rt.jar)

 5. Select "Workspace path" and navigate to folder Java Project.

 6. Once selected you are done with configuration. Move to the homescreen of app & select "new" from top-right corner of app, below is the image:

 7. Select "Create a Project" and name it. You will see your project name as below ("first" is a project name in my scenario):

 8. Once created, select project name and select new from top-right corner. This time select "Create a class". Name the class, below is an option to create "public static void main(String []args)" regarding to that class automatically so let it be checked for now and press "Finish." 

 9. "src" in a project contain's the classes. Select "src" and you will see your class. By tapping your class you will see the area in which you can write the code, below is the image("firstt" is the name of class in my scenario):

 10. To run select the below symbol and to save current project, select the left symbol from the marked one in the below image:

 11. In the below image, the marked tab is the one which show's the output: 

 12. Last but no the least, to run a command line argument program you need to select the Input option from Console tab, it will prompt you a pop up window, write the argument you want to pass in your program and select OK. Run the program now, following is the image to add an argument:

So this was all about running & compiling a java program in your android phone!

Explore and experiment the way you like, after all you are a developer ;)

See you guy's next time with another top interesting thing that you cant miss!

Till then stay tuned and share the post...feel free to comment.